Speaking EngagementSpeaking to an attentive audience is what speakers thrive on. Sharing your message with people of like minds with similar interests and beliefs is why you step up on that stage, time after time. While it is emotionally rewarding in its own right, speaking isn’t the only way to share your message at your events. Selling your products and services at your speaking event is another great way to share your message, prove your expertise, and expand your reach.

Just like planning your event or preparing your presentation, successfully selling your products and services at your speaking engagement requires thoughtful planning and execution. There are several things you can do to make sure you offer the most value to the audience you’ll be speaking to. Below are my top strategies for selling at your next speaking engagement:

  • Determine what kind of sales will be permitted at your speaking engagement. Check with the organizers to see if sales will be allowed, and if so, what type. This may even be a negotiating tool for you, depending on the event and the organization. If selling is simply not allowed, don’t push it. It’s better to provide a solid, meaningful message that will ultimately lead listeners to your website’s products page than it is to try and push a deal for selling and risk losing the engagement all together. If you are speaking at an event, you may be able to negotiate having them purchase your book or product for all attendees in lieu of a speaking fee or even being able to sell it at the back of the room.
  • Do your research and determine the type of audience you will be speaking to. Why are they attending and what message do they expect to receive? Most likely, you will have already done this as part of your initial preparations. Knowing your audience is an important step in preparing your presentation, sharing the right message, and selling. It is the key to an overall successful engagement.
  • Prepare a special offer specifically for the event. People enjoy getting special deals. Try putting together a combo pack of products, or offer select products or services at a reduced price for attendees only. Mention it during your presentation without it feeling like a pitch fest. And if your special offer is something intangible like an e-book or private coaching, then prepare a physical token that you can give to attendees that will remind them later that they need to take action. For example, a goody bag with a few branded items along with a coupon for the special offer. It could also be a postcard that contains the special offer as well as your contact information. You can hand these out personally after the event. You can also prepare a special packet distributed during the presentation inviting them to take the next step to working with you at a discounted price.
  • Be available after your presentation. If the event type allows for it, mingle with the attendees or at least make yourself available for a time at a table or in a specific area. People love to engage with speakers and share the Aha! moments they experienced during the presentation. This one-on-time also allows you to address questions and concerns, and helps you to connect with your audience on a very personal level. This is also a great time to hand out those postcards or goody bags and collect business cards.
  • Market your upcoming talk on your social media sites and through your email marketing campaigns. Mention the special offer to those who attend. You can even market it again after the event, and extend that awesome special offer “for a limited time only” to those who could not attend. This is great way to bring in additional sales.

My challenge to you this week is to review your products and services, and put together several different combinations that you can sell as special offers that will appeal to various audiences. By doing this now, you will be prepared with just the right packages when you land your next gig and you won’t be under pressure to put something together haphazardly at the last minute.

If you’re finding that managing your speaking business is no longer a one-person job, and you are ready to partner with a dedicated team of professionals, Infinite Business Solutions is standing ready to help. As part of your team, we can help you accomplish your goals, share your brilliance, and elevate your business to new heights. Contact us today and let’s get started!