Body Language: The Most Important Part of Your Presentation That You’re Ignoring

When you’re preparing a presentation or a speech, how much time do you spend working on what you’re going to say vs. how you’re going to say it? Too often, we spend so much time focusing on the content (researching the topic, collecting and organizing information, building PowerPoint slides, etc.) that we forget about our […]
5 Ways to Immediately Grab Your Audience’s Attention

It’s Friday afternoon, 2:00 pm. You just poured yourself another cup of coffee and you’re sitting in a large, overly air-conditioned hotel banquet room waiting for the post-lunch speaker to kick off the second half of an all-day conference. You stayed up a little later than you’d planned to the night before, and you’re feeling […]
3 Techniques to Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety

For most of us, public speaking can be pretty scary. According to an article in Forbes magazine, a lucky 10% of people genuinely do not experience any fear when it comes to speaking in public. A less fortunate 10% of people are terrified by the idea of public speaking – they get nauseous, have panic […]
How Proper Follow Up Can Turn Prospects Into Clients

As important as it is to have a solid, thorough process for tracking leads in your business, it is equally as important to have a good follow up process in place. Reaching out to your audience after your speaking engagement is often the key to turning listeners into clients.
How to Sell at Speaking Engagements

Speaking to an attentive audience is what speakers thrive on. Sharing your message with people of like minds with similar interests and beliefs is why you step up on that stage, time after time. While it is emotionally rewarding in its own right, speaking isn’t the only way to share your message at your events.